Highwood Emissions Management has developed a comprehensive training program to help unlock the potential of the powerful Leak Detection and Repair Simulator (LDAR-Sim). This 2-day course covers LDAR-Sim basics and gets into the details of setting up LDAR-Sim, understanding parameters, running simulations, evaluating results, and troubleshooting.
What will you learn in this course?
Participants will finish this course with:
• A strong understanding of LDAR model function and the parameters and assumptions used in the models for establishing equivalency. This can help to provide the various stakeholders (applicants, industry, academics, NGOs, the public, and regulators) more confidence in the evaluation process of alternative LDAR and Alt-FEMP.
• Hands-on experience using LDAR-Sim and running both simple and complex scenarios, including sensitivity analysis and multiple methods per program. Participants will leave with the ability to configure their own LDAR programs and forecast both emissions and economics of different LDAR configurations.
• A deeper understanding of the strengths and limitations (both technical and philosophical) of LDAR modeling.
Click here to learn more about Highwood’s LDAR-Sim Training Offering
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Highwood is committed to providing free emissions reduction education and thought leadership to our industry. If your organization wants to take emissions management education, planning, and implementation to the next level, our team of experts would be happy to introduce you to our custom solutions. Feel free to reach out for a zero pressure, zero obligation chat with our team by email at info@highwoodemissions.com. Learn more about our solutions online.