We’ve Joined OGMP 2.0, Now What?

In this article

The Highwood Bulletin is our way of sharing what we learn. We publish regular updates on emissions management news, novel research, and special insights from our team of experts and our partners.


OGMP 2.0, the United Nation’s (UN) flagship oil and gas reporting framework for methane emissions, is one of 24 voluntary initiatives available to the energy industry. With a steady uptake rate, OGMP 2.0 has seen the largest increase in participation year-over-year. From 2022 to 2023, participation in OGMP 2.0 increased by 86%, growth well beyond any other single voluntary initiative.

In our previous article, ‘Should We Join OGMP 2.0?’, we discussed some of the considerations to help companies decide if OGMP 2.0 is right for them, including:

  • Managing multiple regulatory jurisdictions.
  • Stakeholder pressure.
  • Wanting recognition above and beyond regulatory requirements.
  • It’s the right thing to do.


We also discussed Highwood’s approach to a Preparedness Review to assess a company’s status and determine the effort, resources, and steps required to commit to, or progress within the OGMP Framework.


You’ve made the decision to become an OGMP 2.0 member, joining over 130 oil and gas companies with assets in over 70 countries, collectively representing over 40% of global oil and gas production. You have now committed to a measurement-based framework and achieving a path to Gold Level status in 3 years (five for non-operated assets). You’ve joined a community of practice where learnings and experiences are shared amongst a peer group committed to accuracy and transparency in emissions management and reporting. Learnings are shared through UNEP, workshops, and conferences.

You’ve identified and mapped commitment targets, reviewed your methodologies to assess your status level, and assessed your existing inventory to understand your current baselines to identify any compliance gaps.

Now what?

Highwood provides Implementation Support on an ongoing/annual basis to help companies plan, implement, and track the requirements to meet implementation goals. This offers some assurance that the data they are submitting to OGMP 2.0 meets the protocols and methodologies, and the calculations are defensible. In this third OGMP 2.0 article in our series, we discuss how Highwood helps clients navigate the ongoing obligations for OGMP 2.0 participants on the path to Gold Level Standard.

Build out your existing inventory

Highwood will ensure your emissions inventory is regulatory and OGMP 2.0 compliant, robust, defensible, and future proofed. Building or revising your inventory, we ensure the right methodologies are in place for each source category, and that emissions are grouped into the appropriate reporting source categories, prioritizing efforts on material sources. We look for opportunities to streamline methodology approaches across asset business units.

Measurement and technology strategy

One of the most common questions we see is around technology deployment. What technology should we deploy for source-level and site-level measurements? How often? What is a representative sample set? To make the most of the money you are spending on technology, a deployment strategy is critical.

Highwood doesn’t just use LDAR-Sim – we created it! Thus, we have the expertise to help you deploy the right technology strategy. We have the most current information on available technology and its applicability across the industry. Further, we provide recommendations on measurement campaigns to ensure statistically representative outcomes.

We can help develop site stratification and sampling plans to ensure adequate population representation sufficient for extrapolation of measurements. Using LDAR-Sim, we can run simulations to predict emissions mitigation and cost-effectiveness of different LDAR programs to help find a fit for purpose solution to meet OGMP 2.0 Level 5 and applicable regulatory requirements.

Data analysis and reconciliation

We help get stakeholders at your company on the same page. Highwood works with you to make sense of measurement data collected and evaluate the accuracy of the bottom-up Level 4 inventory through reconciliation with top-down measurements.

We review the measurement data collected to develop company specific emission factors for methane emissions quantification, supporting extrapolation of source-level and site-level measurements to create bottom-up and top-down emissions inventories.  Educating and training stakeholders on required procedures and data management, we help develop best practices for collecting and managing data.

Reconciliation is one of the most challenging aspects of emissions management, and Highwood is at the forefront of this complex problem. We can help you reconcile top-down and bottom-up estimates from different spatial and temporal scales.


Emissions data from diverse sources can be messy. We have a robust system in place to automate reporting. We will evaluate processes in place to streamline reporting, establishing consistency across reporting asset business units. We can help you compile, review, and submit your annual reports based on requirements for a given year and reporting level into required UNEP templates. We ensure consistency in methodologies and data collection processes across assets.

Evaluate, adapt & plan

Emissions management, and OGMP 2.0, require continuous improvement.

Highwood can annually review source-level and site-level sampling and measurement strategies identifying where continuous improvements should be made. We can help assess if the measurements are being performed on a statistically representative sample set and if the technology deployed is fit for purpose. Through analysis, we can determine whether progress is being made and targets will be met.

Based on that review, Highwood can help you revise technology and abatement simulations and adapt to improve cost, efficiency, and data for the next year. Using our proprietary Reduction Pathways software, we can automate prioritization of source-level inventory based on the cost of abatement to maximize reduction dollars for the biggest impact.

Above all, we can help you adapt and develop an implementation and improvement plan for submission to UNEP. We help ensure you are demonstrating continuous improvement that is both credible and defensible to UNEP and your stakeholders. We ensure that you have the right plan in place to achieve Gold Level Standard and demonstrate results that solidify your commitment to global methane mitigation.

Find out how Highwood can help you

Whether you are thinking about OGMP 2.0, or already committed, Highwood can help you plan your path to Gold with confidence. Contact us today for more information.

Highwood Consulting Group

The Highwood Bulletin is our way of sharing what we learn. We publish regular updates on emissions management news, novel research, and special insights from our team of experts and our partners.

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