Reconciliation Has Become a Methane Buzzword
Reconciliation has gained traction in the context of methane emissions within the oil and gas industry, stemming from the growing recognition that different studies and estimation approaches often yield different results. Such disparities can be attributed to the diverse methods employed for estimating greenhouse gas emissions, which may involve emissions factors, direct measurements, or engineering […]
The Highwood Bulletin 072
This week’s Highwood Bulletin covers global flaring, exciting news for Highwood, the Marathon settlement, DOE methane funding, Carbon Mapper, the EU methane rule, and more. Thanks as always for reading and engaging. Highwood awarded $2.2 million for reconciliation software Emissions Reduction Alberta has awarded more than $44 million in their Emerging Innovators Challenge, including […]
Introducing our Methane Fundamentals Course
Over the years, we’ve received many requests for high-quality methane training. In response, Highwood Emissions Management has teamed up with SAGA Wisdom to deliver a best-in-class methane emissions education and training curriculum for oil & gas professionals. I’m thrilled to be the instructor for the first course, designed to equip energy professionals with the knowledge […]
Highwood and SAGA Wisdom Launch Comprehensive Methane Education and Training Curriculum
We’re thrilled to announce a partnership with SAGA Wisdom to offer a series of high-quality methane courses available on-demand for oil & gas professionals. Understanding methane emissions is highly complex, which is further magnified by rapidly changing policies, standards, technologies, and stakeholder expectations. These factors are driving industry demand for premium education and training. To […]
The New EU Methane Regulation Presents Both Risk and Opportunity for US Oil and Gas Producers
On May 27th, 2024, the European Commission (EC) legislated the world’s first-ever regulation on methane emissions from oil and gas imports. Under the new rules, European Union (EU) oil, gas, and coal companies are required to measure, monitor, report, and verify (MMRV) their methane emissions. The new regulation will gradually apply these same stringent requirements […]
The Highwood Bulletin 071
This edition features a new rule on methane imports to the EU, Subpart W updates, new published methane protocols from the CDPHE, a new methane training curriculum, the EPA portal opening for submissions, a long anticipated GHG report from the National Petroleum Council, finalization of the Waste Prevention Rule, a new protocol from MiQ re: […]
We’ve Joined OGMP 2.0, Now What?
OGMP 2.0, the United Nation’s (UN) flagship oil and gas reporting framework for methane emissions, is one of 24 voluntary initiatives available to the energy industry. With a steady uptake rate, OGMP 2.0 has seen the largest increase in participation year-over-year. From 2022 to 2023, participation in OGMP 2.0 increased by 86%, growth well beyond […]
Subpart-W Finalized: EPA’s Updated GHG Reporting Rule is a Game Changer
On May 6th, 2024, the EPA finalized amendments to the Subpart-W methodology (petroleum and natural gas emissions sources) of the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP).1 The revisions are intended primarily to address gaps in reporting, so that all methane emissions from applicable facilities are reported, by: Adding new emissions calculation methodologies Improving existing emissions calculation […]
Research Digest 012
With methane quantification research gaining momentum by the day, it was truly difficult to narrow this Research Digest down! In this edition, we recap the latest measurement-based inventory research, exciting progress on super-emitter quantification, and the latest results from satellite quantification, including the very first published results from NASA’s latest orbital emissions detection technology, EMIT. […]
Should we join OGMP 2.0?
With 130 oil and gas companies representing assets in 70 countries, OGMP 2.0 member companies now account for almost 40% of global oil and gas production and over 80% of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) flows. From 2022 to 2023, OGMP 2.0 saw 86% growth in participation, including some of the largest global oil and gas […]