The Highwood Bulletin 004

Oil & Gas Methane Partnership (OGMP) 2.0 initiative, Spartan/Highwood roundtable discussion event, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) receives $100 million from Bezos Earth Fund, JWN/CERI Methane Emissions Management (MEM) course, and new research publications.
The Highwood Bulletin 003

Today’s issue of the Highwood Bulletin features methane-related current events, six recently-published research articles, and 4 methane-related international conferences you won’t want to miss.
Free Resource: Emission Reduction Opportunity Cheat Sheet

Highwood has published a free resource to help you navigate the complex landscape of funding opportunities that enable GHG reductions in the Canadian oil and gas industry.
The Highwood Bulletin 002

GHGSat Pulse, new federal and provincial funding opportunities, French government blocks $7B LNG deal, New report on emissions from NOJVs, and the first triple-digit carbon levy.
New Funding Opportunities for Methane Reductions: Canada

New funding opportunities are available for Canadian oil and gas companies looking to cost-effectively curb their methane emissions.
The Highwood Bulletin 001

PTAC’s MERF, European Commission methane strategy, Final New Mexico emissions rules, CARB LDAR report, EnviroVault Talk-o Tuesday feature, and new science from the Permian!
Methane Research Digest

Highwood’s research digest: A brief overview of the most important methane technology research published during summer 2020.
New GoA funding announced for methane reduction technologies

This week: two exciting new GoA opportunities to fund methane emissions reduction technologies for upstream O&G!
PhD exit seminar: Thomas Fox

Highwood President Thomas Fox gives an exit seminar on his doctoral research!
LDAR-Sim Story map

Take a peek at this new story map that has been published to explain LDAR-Sim and how it can be used to simulate methane emissions.