Fugitive Emissions

Using our proprietary database of 180+ technologies, we build innovative methane leak detection, quantification, and repair strategies that comply with both regulatory and certification requirements

Fugitive emissions (i.e., leaks) from oil and natural gas infrastructure are an important part of a company’s emissions management strategy. Dozens of new methane detection and quantification technologies are commercially available, including handheld systems, continuous measurement, satellites, aircraft, drones, and vehicles.

Highwood works with innovators and energy companies across the supply chain to design and implement world-class leak detection and repair (LDAR) programs. For many of our services, Highwood uses LDAR-Sim, an open-source virtual environment for evaluating the emissions reduction performance, cost-effectiveness, compliance, and safety of different LDAR programs.

Our services include:

  • LDAR Program Design – Leveraging our database of 180+ solutions, we combine the right technologies for your assets, budget, data needs, and emission reduction targets.
  • Regulatory Approvals – We are leaders in demonstrating equivalency and achieving approval for new technologies in Alberta (Alt-FEMP), Colorado (A-AIMM), with the EPA (AMEL), and with ECCC (Alt-LDAR).
  • Program Harmonization – We can build you one LDAR program that checks all the boxes from conflicting bottom-up and top-down requirements, including regulatory, MiQ, OGMP 2.0, Veritas, and other emerging measurement standards.
  • Work Practice Optimization – When does a detection event occur? How should repairs be managed? What follow-up protocols are needed? How can windshield hours be minimized? We work with companies to optimize LDAR work practices for these questions and many others.
  • Data Management & Reporting – We work with operators to manage and make sense of large amounts of incoming fugitive emissions data. We can also help with reconciliation among inventories and measurements, and reporting to regulators or voluntary initiatives like OGMP 2.0.
  • Emissions Data Analysis – We can generate insights from your emissions data, including what sites, equipment, and components leak the most and predictive analytics for where, when, and why leaks are likely to occur.
  • Technology Evaluation – We work with technology companies navigate the complex world of controlled release testing, establishing probability of detection curves, conducting simulation modeling, and demonstrating value in field pilots.
  • Training, Research, & Education – We can perform custom research (e.g., market assessments, technology competitive analysis) and provide training on how to use LDAR-Sim and how to navigate different regulations and voluntary initiatives. Custom training for other topics can also be arranged.

How do I get more information?

If you’re interested in these services, we would be happy to set up a free consultation to understand your needs and to provide more information. Please reach out to info@highwoodemissions.com or submit a form on our contact page.

Let’s work together on your emissions management and technology challenges.

To: nick.fane@highwoodemissions.com


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To: nick.fane@highwoodemissions.com


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