The Highwood Bulletin 071

This edition features a new rule on methane imports to the EU, Subpart W updates, new published methane protocols from the CDPHE, a new methane training curriculum, the EPA portal opening for submissions, a long anticipated GHG report from the National Petroleum Council, finalization of the Waste Prevention Rule, a new protocol from MiQ re: […]

The Highwood Bulletin 070

This week’s Highwood Bulletin contains regulatory updates (EPA, SEC), OGMP-aligned Veritas protocols, MethaneSAT and Google, IEA Methane Tracker, Highwood’s AER technology report, new OGMP 2.0 members, US DOE funding for methane, big leaks in the news, a novel Highwood analysis on super-emitters, a bank gets serious on methane, career opportunities, and the conferences you’ll find […]

The Highwood Bulletin 069

This week brings announcements from Veritas (new protocols), the methane fee rule, the Colorado SeekOps approval, LongPath’s DoE loan, Exxon’s methane report, white papers, resources, and more. Thanks as always for reading the Highwood Bulletin!   Version 2.0 of Veritas Protocols released GTI Energy announced the publication of v2 of the Veritas Protocols. The goal […]

Methane Rule Comparison: United States (final) vs. Canada (draft)

Methane Rule Comparison: United States (final) vs. Canada (draft) A comparison of US EPA’s OOOOb/c and Canada’s ECCC methane rules for the oil and natural gas industry.   New regulations? In December 2023, at COP28, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a final rule expected to achieve methane reductions of 87% relative to 2005. […]

The Highwood Bulletin 068

A flurry of announcements at COP28 has left the O&G methane community dazed and scrambling to get clarity on the implications of new regulations, public datasets, commitments, and initiatives. We’ll be posting a variety of articles to help get our readers up to speed. To start, this week’s newsletter provides a quick and dirty overview […]

The Highwood Bulletin 067

It has been a wild week in methane! New methane import regulations in Europe could alter international gas trade and US Department of Energy announces a multi-lateral differentiated gas framework initiative. Meanwhile, JPMorgan is taking a stronger stance on methane. A new Nature Energy paper on differentiated gas and intel on Bill Nye are among the other stories in this week’s edition!

The Highwood Bulletin 066

I’m writing this week’s Highwood Bulletin from Houston Texas, where I’m enjoying Tex Mex, meeting up with clients, talking about methane fee strategy, and attending the ONE Future annual conference.  This week’s bulletin covers new EPA rules, EU import rules, consolidation, MiQ equivalency guidance, and new reports, conferences, and other opportunities. Thanks as always for […]

The Highwood Bulletin 064

This week’s Highwood Bulletin covers V3 of LDAR-Sim release, CDPHE methane intensity rule approval, a new state-wide technology approval in Colorado, our editorial on Canadian methane policy, MiQ-Highwood methane intensity index, the September offering of our course on methane technology, a whole bunch of fall methane conferences, and much more! Version 3 of LDAR-Sim Released […]

The Highwood Bulletin 063

I’m excited to present a massive Highwood Bulletin this week that documents many exciting developments in emissions management for the oil and gas industry. This week I cover EPA’s proposed GHGRP updates, Highwood’s joining of Rice Alliance, Shell’s new production strategy, methane funding from EPA and DOE, new Carbon Mapper data, an offset protocol for […]

The Highwood Bulletin 062

This week’s Highwood Bulletin features the MiQ-Highwood methane intensity index, Turkmenistan’s plans to act on methane, Highwood’s President featured in Veriten, Canada’s methane metrics compared to the rest of the world, PHMSA rules, conferences, employment opportunities, and more. We’re hiring a whole bunch of positions – come work at Highwood!   Highwood announces successful raise […]