The Highwood Bulletin 070

This week’s Highwood Bulletin contains regulatory updates (EPA, SEC), OGMP-aligned Veritas protocols, MethaneSAT and Google, IEA Methane Tracker, Highwood’s AER technology report, new OGMP 2.0 members, US DOE funding for methane, big leaks in the news, a novel Highwood analysis on super-emitters, a bank gets serious on methane, career opportunities, and the conferences you’ll find […]
The Highwood Bulletin 043

This week’s Highwood Bulletin features draft mandatory disclosure rules from the SEC and Canada, IPCC Sixth Assessment, responsible climate lobbying, Xpansiv digital crude oil, Blackrock net-zero forecasts, Canada’s emissions reduction plan, ISSB draft rules, investments in carbon removal, financing flaring reduction, funding for net-zero projects, courses, conferences, hiring, and more!