Research Digest 012

With methane quantification research gaining momentum by the day, it was truly difficult to narrow this Research Digest down! In this edition, we recap the latest measurement-based inventory research, exciting progress on super-emitter quantification, and the latest results from satellite quantification, including the very first published results from NASA’s latest orbital emissions detection technology, EMIT. […]

The Highwood Bulletin 064

This week’s Highwood Bulletin covers V3 of LDAR-Sim release, CDPHE methane intensity rule approval, a new state-wide technology approval in Colorado, our editorial on Canadian methane policy, MiQ-Highwood methane intensity index, the September offering of our course on methane technology, a whole bunch of fall methane conferences, and much more! Version 3 of LDAR-Sim Released […]

The Highwood Bulletin 062

This week’s Highwood Bulletin features the MiQ-Highwood methane intensity index, Turkmenistan’s plans to act on methane, Highwood’s President featured in Veriten, Canada’s methane metrics compared to the rest of the world, PHMSA rules, conferences, employment opportunities, and more. We’re hiring a whole bunch of positions – come work at Highwood!   Highwood announces successful raise […]

The Highwood Bulletin 054

Happy New Year! We hope all of you faithful readers of the Highwood Bulletin had a restful holiday break. We can’t wait to share with you some BIG announcements in the coming weeks.

The Highwood Bulletin 053

This week’s Highwood Bulletin includes news of a methane collaboration between EPA and PEMEX, MiQ’s new certified gas standards covering most of the supply chain, Canada’s new O&G emissions cap, Colorado’s newly proposed methane intensity rules, webinars, career opportunities, a new award, a guest contribution by Ryan Streams, and our Research Digest. Time to get […]