The Highwood Bulletin 066
I’m writing this week’s Highwood Bulletin from Houston Texas, where I’m enjoying Tex Mex, meeting up with clients, talking about methane fee strategy, and attending
I’m writing this week’s Highwood Bulletin from Houston Texas, where I’m enjoying Tex Mex, meeting up with clients, talking about methane fee strategy, and attending
In this week’s Highwood Bulletin, I am pleased to announce the long-awaited and very exciting release of the third edition of Highwood’s free Voluntary Initiatives
This week’s Highwood Bulletin covers V3 of LDAR-Sim release, CDPHE methane intensity rule approval, a new state-wide technology approval in Colorado, our editorial on Canadian
I’m excited to present a massive Highwood Bulletin this week that documents many exciting developments in emissions management for the oil and gas industry. This
This week’s Highwood Bulletin features the MiQ-Highwood methane intensity index, Turkmenistan’s plans to act on methane, Highwood’s President featured in Veriten, Canada’s methane metrics compared
The Highwood Bulletin 058 This week’s Highwood Bulletin features new DOE funding announcements, new companies joining OGMP 2.0, a major announcement for MiQ natural gas
Introducing Highwood’s Emissions Management Toolkit (EMT)
A cursory comparison of newly proposed methane rules in Canada and the United States for the oil and natural gas industry.
Estimating emissions quantities over time is complex – different approaches usually lead to different answers. Reconciling discrepancies among estimates is increasingly common as it can help improve understanding of the overall system.
Initiative Highlights from Highwood‘s Voluntary Initiatives Report 2022
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