Highwood Launches Software Product

Thomas Fox
President, Highwood Emissions Management

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The Highwood Bulletin is our way of sharing what we learn. We publish regular updates on emissions management news, novel research, and special insights from our team of experts and our partners.


We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Highwood’s Emissions Management Toolkit (EMT). After more than a year of development, we’re now offering Highwood’s trusted skills and services in the form of a web-based software that can be used by anyone.

Emissions Management is Changing

A few years ago, greenhouse gas emissions management was fairly straightforward. Natural gas and oil companies could add up their equipment and activities in a spreadsheet, apply generic emissions factors, and call it a day.

Today, expectations have changed. Regulations to control emissions have become increasingly stringent and nuanced. Investors and forward thinking Oil and Gas companies have set net-zero targets and are becoming savvier at discerning carbon liabilities. Global ESG and methane reporting standards have emerged, backed by the world’s leading energy companies. Hundreds of new measurement and abatement technologies have emerged.

Moving into the future, we will witness an acceleration in the rise of stakeholder expectations, regulatory requirements, and innovation. This energy decarbonization paradigm shift will bring considerable risk and opportunity. Companies that can acquire, manage, and harness emissions data for accurate tracking of emissions and to support decision making will thrive in the energy transition.

For nearly three years, Highwood has worked closely with energy companies – across the supply chain, around the world, and from small to super-major. Listening carefully to the industry, we have learned of the challenges facing energy companies when it comes to managing emissions. These challenges are diverse and multi-faceted, but they are all grounded in the need for truth, assurance, and efficiency.

What is EMT?

We have built the Emissions Management Toolkit (EMT) to help our clients thrive in the energy transition, not just survive. EMT is a modular software-as-a-service (SaaS) product that automates many of Highwood’s trusted emissions management skills and services. It allows us to work with O&G companies at any stage of their emissions management journey.

Emissions Insights, our proprietary inventory management system, is the module at the core of EMT. Emissions Insights future-proofs data management, allowing companies to set baselines, streamline reporting, and track emissions reductions. Our user-friendly interface helps operators build and modify inventories and track how inventories and emissions change over time.

Reduction Pathways uses Emissions Insights to leverage a company’s inventory to answer the big question: How much will net-zero (or any target) cost? This forecasting and planning module builds custom cost models and marginal abatement cost curves (MACCs) for each company that evolve dynamically with changing technology, assets, regulations, taxes, and incentives. Different pathways to targets can then be compared in our scenario planner.

The Leak Detection and Repair Simulator (LDAR-Sim) uses a virtual environment complete with oil and gas facilities, weather conditions, and simulated emissions to rapidly test different methane monitoring technologies, ranging from handheld systems to continuous monitoring to satellites. There is no silver bullet in methane monitoring; LDAR-Sim forecasts and optimizes emissions reductions, economics, and safety of different technology deployment strategies.

Our Measurement & Reconciliation Module helps operators integrate methane measurement data from diverse technologies and bottom-up inventories. Analytical tools enable reconciliation of different data sources to enable compliance with emerging and complex requirements from OGMP 2.0, Veritas, MiQ, and other emerging standards.

We Want to Hear from You!

This is just the beginning of our Emissions Management Toolkit (EMT). We have more modules in the works and we are eager to partner and collaborate with others in the industry who are looking to take emissions management to the next level.
Reach out for a demo and check out EMT online! Whether you’re a potential customer or business partner, we can’t wait to show you what we’ve built!

Thomas Fox

President, Highwood Emissions Management

The Highwood Bulletin is our way of sharing what we learn. We publish regular updates on emissions management news, novel research, and special insights from our team of experts and our partners.

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