Take your methane measurement and reporting to the next level with our OGMP 2.0 services.
Energy companies around the world are joining the Oil and Gas Methane Partnership (OGMP) 2.0 to demonstrate their commitment to reducing methane emissions. Highwood Emissions Management is familiar with all aspects of OGMP 2.0, including target setting, reduction pathway planning, inventory management, methane measurement, and reconciliation among measurement scales and/or between measurements and inventories.
The OGMP 2.0 Services Suite by Highwood assists producers with:
• Deciding whether to join OGMP 2.0
• Establishing baselines and corporate intensity-based and absolute emissions reduction targets
• Developing a trajectory for moving from Level 1 to Level 5 to achieve and maintain Gold Standard status
• Assistance with OGMP 2.0 emissions reporting at any level
• Technology deployment planning for methane detection and quantification
• Reconciliation support among site-level and source-level measurements
• Building and managing robust emissions inventories across multiple jurisdictions
• Pathway planning for achieving cost-optimized emissions reduction targets
Click here to learn more about the OGMP 2.0 Services Suite
Education is a core pillar of Highwood’s mission:
Highwood is committed to providing free emissions reduction education and thought leadership to our industry. If your organization wants to take emissions management education, planning, and implementation to the next level, our team of experts would be happy to introduce you to our custom solutions. Feel free to reach out for a zero pressure, zero obligation chat with our team by email at info@highwoodemissions.com. Learn more about our solutions online.