MiQ Readiness Check

The MiQ readiness check is a quick and safe way for operators to take a first step into the emerging world of differentiated gas.

To assist producers, Highwood Emissions Management has developed the MiQ Readiness Check service to assess the operator’s current state and design a path towards Certification. Highwood will then work with the operator to close gaps that may be barriers to certification or that may be lowering their MiQ grading score, so that the MiQ Certification can proceed smoothly with minimized costs, auditing time, and grading uncertainty from an extended application process.

MiQ Readiness Checks by Highwood assist producers with:


How do I get more information?

If you’re interested in these services, we would be happy to set up a free consultation to understand your needs and to provide more information. Please reach out to info@highwoodemissions.com or submit a form on our contact page.

Let’s work together on your emissions management and technology challenges.

To: nick.fane@highwoodemissions.com


Sign me up for the Voluntary Initiatives waitlist

To: nick.fane@highwoodemissions.com


Sign me up for the Measurement and Reconciliation waitlist

By downloading this tool, you acknowledge that Highwood and MiQ will have access to your information and may occasionally contact you in reference to your use of the tool. Your email and personal contact information will not be shared beyond Highwood and MiQ.

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Please fill out the form and you will receive the download link via e-mail.

Please fill out the form and you will receive the download link via e-mail.