Jeff Rutherford

Director of Research and Development (Ph.D.)
Jeff Rutherford, Director of Research and Development (Ph.D.) is an expert in greenhouse gas simulation, inventory development, and technology assessment. He completed a Ph.D. at Stanford University in the Environmental Assessment and Optimization research group, and is an engineer by training with a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alberta. In 2021 and 2022, Jeff co-led the largest, to date, single-blind controlled release testing of airplane and satellite methane remote sensing technologies. Jeff has presented his work on controlled release testing and bottom-up simulation of methane emissions inventories to U.S. state and national regulators and his work is cited in Environmental Protection Agency rulemaking. From 2017 to 2022, Jeff also contributed to the management and development of the open-source Oil Production and Greenhouse Gas Estimator, both in support of California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard and helping oil producers like Saudi Aramco and Chevron reduce emissions. Jeff has presented at international scientific conferences and is published in SPE conference proceedings, Science of the Total Environment, Elementa, and Nature Communications.



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