Voluntary Initiatives
Services Suite

Support for MiQ, OGMP 2.0, Veritas, EO100, and more. We've got your voluntary emissions management needs covered.

The world is starting to reward low-carbon energy companies. Today, a growing number of voluntary initiatives exist for O&G companies to demonstrate their leadership to investors, end users, and the public. As they learn about these new opportunities, our clients often have many questions, such as:

  • What voluntary initiative is best for my company?
  • How can my company take credit for strong emissions performance?
  • What are the benefits of going “above and beyond” emissions regulations?
  • Is certified natural gas worth the effort? Is my company good enough to be certified?

If you have any of these questions, Highwood can help. Highwood has a broad offering of custom consulting services that range from readiness assessments to implementation and submission support for the full spectrum of voluntary initiatives.






  • Veritas Protocols (View Veritas Services)
  • Natural Gas STAR Program
  • NGSI Methane Emissions Intensity Protocol
  • CDP Scores
  • Global Reporting Initiative 11: Sector Standards for Oil and Gas
  • Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Framework
  • Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Oil and Gas Standard
  • IPIECA Sustainability Reporting Guidance
  • LNG – SGE Methodology
  • LNG – GIIGNL MRV & GHG Neutral Framework


Other Initiatives


How do I get more information?

If you’re interested in these services, we would be happy to set up a free consultation to understand your needs and to provide more information. Please reach out to info@highwoodemissions.com or submit a form on our contact page.

Let’s work together on your emissions management and technology challenges.

To: nick.fane@highwoodemissions.com


Sign me up for the Voluntary Initiatives waitlist

To: nick.fane@highwoodemissions.com


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